

SetVehicleAttribute(#Entity, Attribute, Value.f [, Wheel])
Set the specified attribute value to the given vehicle entity. For more info about attributes possible value, .


#Entity The vehicle entity to use.
Attribute The attribute to set. The following attributes are available:
  #PB_Vehicle_Friction: set the wheel friction value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionForce: set the wheel maximum suspension force value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionCompression: set the wheel maximum suspension compression value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionLength: set the maximum length of the suspension (meters).
  #PB_Vehicle_WheelDampingCompression: set the wheel damping compression value.
  #PB_Vehicle_WheelDampingRelaxation: set the wheel damping relaxation value.
  #PB_Vehicle_RollInfluence: set the wheel roll influence value (see AddVehicleWheel() for more info).
Value Value of the attribute to set.
Wheel (optional) The wheel index, starting from 0. If not specified, or sets to #PB_All, the new attribute value is applied to all wheels.

Return value


See Also


Supported OS


<- GetVehicleAttribute() - Vehicle Index